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Fire Island Lighthouse Has Reopened After Structural Testing Project is Completed

Posted on August 1, 2019 by admin in Fire Island News

After three weeks of being closed to visitors for structural testing, the National Park Service announced that the Fire Island Lighthouse reopened its doors on June 28.

Testing was done to find out the source of damage to the facility such as the deterioration of the exterior coating of the building and the high moisture problem inside the building. Crews also placed monitoring devices around the lighthouse for a year of additional testing.

The findings of the project will now be tested in a lab. “Information gained from the structural testing project will help inform a long-term preservation strategy for this iconic Lighthouse” James Dunphy, the Seashore’s Facility Manager explained.

During the 3-week period, the tower and the outdoor terrace were closed to the public but the gift shop, Keepers Quarter Museum and Lens Building remained open.

“The initial phase of the project closed the tower for three weeks to allow for the removal of bricks, mortar and shotcrete,” the National Park Service said in a statement upon being reopened.

“These materials will be sent to a laboratory to test for compressive strength, moisture migration, absorption, permeability, and salt content.”

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